Facebook on Egypt – DW – 07/04/2013
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Facebook on Egypt

Sonya Angelica DiehnJuly 4, 2013

DW users have been discussing the events unfolding in Egypt over the past several days - here are a few excerpts.

Screenshot Facebook DW English. (Source: https://www.facebook.com/dw.english)
Image: Facebook

DW Arabia saw a wave of comments in the wake of the astounding events in Egypt - around 300 overnight and in the early morning after the ousting of President Mohammed Morsi. Most supported Morsi's overthrow and congratulated the Egyptian people.

Clair Farouk wrote: "It is true that he is an elected president but he ruined Egypt for years to come due to his false decrees. If we wait for another three years, God knows what more he’ll do to the country. It was indeed a coup, but a popular one and not a military one. Those who do not see the masses in the streets are blind."

Abu Abdullah replied: "Why did President Morsi become unwanted? We need to understand the facts around this 'Morsi' … he is the first elected president for Egypt, the first civilian president, the first president with a beard [religious], the first president whose motorcade doesn’t hinder normal traffic, the first president to ban Sufi rituals, the first president to allow a female news anchor wearing a scarf in 52 years, the first Arab president to win with an election result lower than 99 percent, the first Arab president to turn on the military, the first Arab president to memorize the entire Quran, the first Arab president from the Muslim Brothers … the first Arab president to allow criticism, the first Arab president not to punish the officer who arrested him [before becoming President] …"

Yaser Mohamed argued: "Does Morsi not notice that there are more than 25 million citizens in the streets, more than those who elected him? Does he not understand that this removes his legitimacy? Is this not the [Tahrir] square where he swore his legal oath? Is it not the square that made him president? He should admit that it is this square that overturned him because he was not up to the task, nor [Mohammed] Badie [leader of the Muslim Brotherhood]."

Abdullah Hassaan countered: "This is a coup on democracy!!!! Mohammed Morsi came through fierce competitive elections and not through force. It is true that the [Muslim] Brothers did terrible things to the country, but that doesn’t mean overthrowing the legitimate president. If this goes on, no president in any of the Arab Spring countries would last more than a year, and this is not acceptable."

Discussion was similarly heated on the DW English Facebook page with many general statements in support of the Egyptian people. Users responded to the question of what the regime change means for democracy.

Allie Dawe pointed out: "It means little for women now that the rape squads have begun operating their nasty form of terrorism AGAIN."

Scott Curts wrote: "I truly wish the best for ALL of Egypt ... all citizens INCLUDED. A great people with a great history. Today in the US we celebrate our independence. 'Our founding fathers knew how dangerous theocracies could be. They gave us a constitutional democracy in large part to protect minorities from the yearnings of a religious majority. This Independence Day, their design of a secular state, with no religious belief receiving preference over any other, should be celebrated common ground for all Americans, whether conservative or liberal, religious or secular.' I believe as did they that officially mixing together politics and religion are a dangerous thing."

Hamza Sarfaraz opined: "Revolution? It was a coup by the same army which had hijacked the country for 30 years and against which people rebelled. Democratically elected government has been removed how can it be a revolution? I think Egyptians got used to the cruelty of Hosni Mubarak so they couldn't digest democracy so they called for another Hosni Mubarak."

Amit Roy reflected: "Hahahaha GAME OVER what a pleasure to see game over for Morsi and his Muslim brotherhood, it seems Arab Spring is reaching its pinnacle but question creeps in as Morsi is democratically elected in a fair election, though I don't like him and his fundamentalist brotherhood that can not be a reason for his departure like this, it may set very bad precedent for democracy in future and my joy of as morsi' is out could be short lived, but still I will support secular forces, I am blind and stand up for the forces of freedom."