Greta Thunberg to star in own TV series – DW – 02/11/2020
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Greta Thunberg to star in own TV series

February 11, 2020

Greta Thunberg leads the #FridaysforFuture global school movement, addressed the EU and the UN on climate change and was told she has anger management problems by Trump. Now she will get her own TV series.
Greta Thunberg
Image: picture-alliance/dpa/M. Kappeler

Teen environmental activist Greta Thunberg is to get her own TV series exploring issues surrounding climate change.

Thunberg started the #FridaysforFutures school strike environmental movement and has been credited with helping to push climate change to the top of the global political agenda.

The documentary-style series will follow the 17-year-old as she travels to the front line of climate change. She will meet scientists, politicians and business leaders, exploring the scientific evidence with them and challenging them to change.

The show will also explain the science behind the 1.5 degree rise that scientists agree global temperature needs to be limited to in order to avoid environmental disaster. 

The series, which will be produced by the BBC Studio's science unit, is set to follow Greta as she is confronted by the consequences of inaction.

"Climate change is probably the most important issue of our lives so it feels timely to make an authoritative series that explores the facts and science behind this complex subject," said executive producer Rob Liddell in a statement.

There were no details of the number of episodes or when the show will be aired. It will be the second time that Greta has collaborated with the BBC — she guest-edited the prestigious Radio 4 Today programme in December last year.

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Kate Martyr
Kate Martyr Editor and video producer at DW's Asia Desk and News Digital