Digital economy – DW – 10/25/2013
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Digital economy

Interview: Bernd Riegert / dbOctober 25, 2013

At the EU summit, Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes spearheaded urgent reforms to the bloc's telecoms sector. Kroes explained the plans in an interview with DW.
Image: picture-alliance/dpa

EU Digital Agenda Commissioner Neelie Kroes has proposed legislation to re-orient Internet-based companies in Europe, including the creation of a domestic European market for telecommunication and digital economy. Consumers should be able to make phone calls and surf the Internet in the EU without additional roaming charges. The plan would also encourage investment in new high-speed networks to boost growth. Currently, Kroes says, Europe is not competitive in this sector. The proposals were discussed at the EU summit in Brussels.

Deutsche Welle: How confident are you that the EU summit will accept your proposals concerning the digital economy?

Neelie Kroes: I am optimistic, but in the Netherlands we have a saying: Don't praise the day before the evening. We have a very decent, balanced proposal that is good for consumer and the business world, and good for our industry, not only the telecommunications industry but the industry as a whole.

How important is this for tackling economic problems in Europe? Will it give a boost to the economy?

Absolutely. It will not only boost the economy, it will revive a sector of the economy that is currently ailing. It is the basis for the creation of new jobs. That's what we really want. If we look at youth unemployment figures in some member countries, they are absolutely unacceptable. The digital economy could be part of the solution.

How have the businesses concerned responded? There are already some critical voices in the industry saying that your proposal goes too far, while others say it doesn't go far enough.

I would be surprised if everybody applauded it - if that were the case, it would mean I'd done something wrong. But I am absolutely certain that, overall, most of the industry, most consumers and most politicians are aware that is really necessary to do it now and not wait any longer, because we can't afford to wait too long with an ailing telecoms sector.

US flag, phone receiver Copyright: imago/Roland Mühlanger AUT, STUDIO AUFNAHMETISCH; 2013-08-06; POLITIK, STAAT, USA: NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY HÖRT HEIMLICH TELEFONATE VON US-BÜRGERN AB - STOCKFOTO ZUM THEMA ÜBERWACHUNG, ABHÖREN VON TELEFONATEN UND DATENSCHUTZ IN DEN VEREINIGTEN STAATEN VON AMERIKA; Objekte Symbolfoto xdp x0x 2013 quer Aufmacher premiumd 11. September 2001 AUT Abhören Al Qaida Amerika Amerikaner Angela Merkel Arbeit Aufnahmetisch BILDAGENTUR MUEHLANGER/WINKLER BILDAGENTUR Muehlanger BND Barack Obama Beobachtung Bundesnachrichtendienst CIA Computer Cyber Daten Datenbank Datenbanken Datensammlung Datenschutz Datenschutzbeauftragte Deutschland Einbruch Fernglas Foto: Roland Muehlanger Geheim Geheimagent Geheimagenten Geheimdaten Geheimdienst Gesetz Gesetzesbruch HNA Hack Hacker Hacking Handy Heeresnachrichtenamt Internet Julien Assange Kampf Kontrolle Korruption Krieg Löschen Michael Spindlegger Mobiltelefon NSA National Security Agency Netz Obama Österreich Osama Bin Laden PC Politik Politiker Prism Programm Prism Repräsentantenhaus Sicherheit Spionage Studioaufnahme Telefon Telefonanbieter Telefonat Terror Terroranschlag Terrorismus Terroristen Tirol US-Bürger US-Flagge US-Präsident USA United States Verbrechen Vereinigte Staaten Verhinderung Verstoss Verstoß Verteidigung Verteidigungsminister Verteidigungsministerium Veröffentlichung Wikileaks aufgenommen am 2013-08-06 ausforschen bespitzeln illegal observieren sichern spionieren veröffentlichen Überwachung 60332540 Date 06 08 2013 Copyright Imago Roland Anger millstone AUT Studio 2013 08 06 politics State USA National Security Agency hear Heimlich Calls from U.S. Citizens from to Theme Monitoring Interception from Telephone calls and Privacy in the United States from America Objects Symbolic image XDP x0x 2013 horizontal Highlight premiumd 11 September 2001 AUT Interception Al Qaeda America Americans Angela Merkel Work Picture Agency Winkler Picture Agency BND Barack Obama Observation Federal Intelligence Service CIA Computer Cyber Data Database Databases Data collection Privacy Data Protection Supervisor Germany Burglary Binoculars Photo Roland secret Secret Secret agents Secret Service Act Legislative breakthrough HNA Hack Hacker Hacking Handy Internet Julien Assange Fight Control Corruption War delete Michael Mobile phone NSA National Security Agency Network Obama Austria Osama am shop PC politics Politicians Prism Program Prism House of Representatives Security Espionage Studio shooting Phone Phone manufacturer Phone call Terror Terrorist attack Terrorism Terrorists Tyrol U.S. Citizens U.S. Flag U.S. President USA United States Crime United States Prevention Infringement Infringement Defence Defence Minister Ministry of Defence Publication wikileaks Date at 2013 08 06 spy illegal observe Save Spy public Monitoring
Did the US eavesdrop on German Chancellor Merkel?Image: imago/Roland Mühlanger

You've tabled a manifesto from young European entrepreneurs. What do they expect the EU summit and you, the Commissioner, to do?

These young people wrote a manifesto and it is a very, very promising paper. They list what needs to be done at the European, national and local levels. They talk about skills, about opportunities for getting venture capital, and about having the same system. If you start a business in one EU member state and it's a success, and you want to run the same business in another member state, it's unacceptable to have to start all over again from scratch with completely different rules and requirements. It's a perfectly sensible list of suggestions; there's nothing spectacular in there. We can implement these suggestions, and it would make sense to do so.

How does data protection fit into this digital equation? How concerned are you that data protection is properly taken care of?

There is no 'either/or', but an 'as well as.' We badly need security, we need trust. Data protection is a very important issue, there's no doubt about that, and it's connected to all kinds of things.

In the light of the most recent NSA scandal in France and Germany, do you use your mobile phone and e-mail accounts just as you did before?

I was already warned in the 1970s, when I was Telecommunications Minister in the Netherlands, that I should be very, very careful about using the phone to share highly confidential information. So I'm not that surprised. We need more trust, that's absolutely true. It's a serious problem, especially among friends. All I can say is, be careful when you share data. You should always bear that in mind.

Are we ready for European solutions in this sector? Are we too dependent on American companies and American technology?

That is one of the challenges for me. We shouldn't be buying the hardware from the Far East and the software from the Far West. We should have our own economic activities in this field. That's the key issue, and that's why the manifesto by these young women and men is so important. They've proven that you can start a business in Europe and build it to a global one.

Neelie Kroes (72) is the EU Commission's Digital Agenda Commissioner. The former Dutch minister and entrepreneur has been a member of the EU's top political administration for nine years. As EU Commissioner for Competition until 2009, Kroes oversaw sanctions by the European Commission against the software giant Microsoft. Former German Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg advises Kroes on Internet issues.