What Trump's cabinet could look like – DW – 11/12/2016
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What Trump's cabinet could look like

Michael Knigge
November 12, 2016

In 10 weeks Donald Trump will be sworn in as president. For a political novice like Trump, a strong cabinet is essential to govern efficiently. Here are some people that could play key roles in his administration.

USA Mike Pence and Donald Trump
Image: picture alliance/AP Photo/M. Conroy

Unlike traditional presidential campaigns, the Trump camp started late with setting up a transition team and once it did it wasn't a fully fleshed out apparatus like that of his rival Hillary Clinton.

That definitely changed after their candidate scored a stunning victory. Team Trump is now in full transition mode, as evidenced by Friday's announcement that Vice President-elect Mike Pence would now take the helm of the transition effort, replacing Chris Christie, the embattled governor of New Jersey.

The Trump team also launched an official transition website aptly named www.greatagain.gov, after Trump's campaign slogan, along with a new Twitter handle dedicated to the transition effort.

While transition preparations are gaining steam, little concrete is known so far about a key element of the new Trump administration - the people taking over the most important positions.

Rocky relationship

Trump's rocky relationship with large parts of the Republican party establishment has only complicated efforts to fill vital cabinet slots, as many Republicans with governmental experience had openly opposed the GOP candidate and rejected any possible role in a Trump administration already during the campaign.

USA Vorwahlen Super Tuesday Trump Christie
For much of the campaign, Christie was expected to take on a senior role in a potential Trump administrationImage: Reuters/C. Bergin

One thing that does appear certain is that two of Trump's closest allies, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, in some way or another will play important roles in the new administration.

Chris Christie, himself a former presidential candidate until recently, was also expected to land a position in a Trump administration. But possible legal ramifications of the so called "Bridgegate" scandal could make Christie a liability, therefore his chances to play a key role have significantly decreased.         

So here are five key positions for a Trump administration and people mentioned in the media to be considered for them.

Secretary of State

John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives

Bob Corker, senator from Tennessee and chairman of the Senate's Committee on Foreign Relations

Secretary of Defense

Jeff Sessions Republikaner USA
Sessions was the first sitting senator to endorse TrumpImage: Getty Images/S.Olson

Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama and senior member of the Senate's Armed Services Committee

Duncan Hunter, congressman from California and member of the Committee on Armed Services

Stephen Hadley, former national security adviser to President George W. Bush

General Mike Flynn, a Democrat, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency

Secretary of the Treasury

Steve Mnuchin, finance chair of the Trump campaign and former Goldman Sachs executive

Carl Icahn, investor

Jeb Hensarling, congressman from Texas and chairman of the House Financial Services Committee

Attorney General

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City

Jeff Sessions, senator from Alabama

Chief of Staff

Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee

Newt Gingrich, former speaker of the House of Representatives

Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City